Welcome to the 2024 BST Summer season! We are excited that you decided to join us this year. We wanted to provide a few notes before we get started.
Our board and coaches are really excited for you to get the opportunity to swim this year. To do so we need to make sure you understand our basic expectations.
- Come ready to swim everyday. Make sure you have a swimsuit, caps and goggles. Even if it’s raining! We’re outside, it might rain. As long as the lifeguards tell us it’s safe, we’ll swim!
- Bring shoes and water. Some days, the pool and air temperature will just be too cold for us to swim, so we may do some land based training instead. Make sure you bring shoes that tie everyday.
- Thunderstorms will always close the pool. If we have a thunderstorm in the area we will not hold practice.
- Engage with your teammates! While swimming is largely independent, we still want you to be involved in one another’s swims.
- Ask questions. If as a parent or swimmer you have a question, don’t be afraid to speak up. We’re here to help you grow as a swimmer (or a swim team mom/dad).
One final reminder, we use a home-grown meet sign-up system which requires you to opt-in for meets. Over the years we (the coaches) have found that this creates a better system for us to work around so please make sure to sign up your swimmer (it uses the same email you used for the parent contacts) and all you have to do is check a box.
If you’re signed up for 3 meets you qualify for the SEISA championship meet which is the biggest meet for BST. We definitely want you to compete there!
If you have issues with the sign-up process please let Coach McMullen know and he’ll get a fix worked out.
Can’t wait to see you in the morning!