The timer position is the most common volunteer position. Before the beginning of the meet, there will be a timers meeting where timers will receive a clipboard containing all of the heat sheets for the meet, a stopwatch, a pencil, and verbal instructions.
There are two timers per lane and one back up timer for a total of thirteen timers. Our home meets will have events that finish at each end of the pool, and the timers will need to move from one end of the pool to the other to accommodate. The 25, 40, and 200 yard events finish in the shallow end, and the 80 and 160 yard events finish in the deep end.
There will be two timing system plungers for each lane at both ends. One timer will hold a plunger and a stopwatch, and the other timer will hold a plunger and a clipboard. When a race starts, you will see a flash from the starting device, start your stopwatch, don’t push the plunger.
When the swimmer in your lane finishes, push BOTH timing system plungers AND stop your stopwatch. Record the stopwatch time next to your swimmer’s name on the heat sheet, and reset your stopwatch for the next event. If you forget to start your stopwatch or it malfunctions for any reason, hold up your hand, and a back up timer will walk over and give you their stopwatch.
Your timing system plungers will automatically start, and they will automatically reset. You ONLY have to push the plungers when your swimmer touches the wall.
If you do not have a swimmer in your lane, do not hit the plunger. If you have a swimmer in your lane that is not on your heat sheet, please continue timing as normal, and ask their name when they exit the pool. There will be a runner who collects your sheets periodically.