As we move closer to June 1 we wanted to give parents the opportunity to get an understanding of our meet sign-up procedures to the upcoming season.
Opt-In Procedures
We will be utilizing an online tool for meet signups. Simply enter in your email address provided at registration (for parents that submitted multiple addresses, any can be used). Once you log-in, you should see a list of all swimmers associated with your account. You simply check the box if they are attending, or leave it blank if they are not.
Athletes cannot register themselves using their own email. A parent’s email must be used to “sign in” and register an athlete.
If you cannot sign in or a child is missing from your listing, please contact Coach McMullen, mcmullen.greg [at] or (812) 584-6051, immediately.
Pre-competition swimmers are not eligible for competition unless elevated to the Bronze grouping.
What if I’ve already indicated meets we cannot attend?
The sign-up procedure helps out those who’ve already indicated they cannot attend a meet as they will not need to mark attending on the sign-up sheet. We’ll go through the list and update our systems to ensure swimmers will not be eligible for the meet line-up prior to building it out. Once we create the line-up, it will be sent for review. If you notice you are (and shouldn’t be) or are not (and should be) listed please let someone on the coaching staff or board know.
We didn’t sign up, but we can attend?
Speak to the coaching staff as soon as you can to let us know that you’ll be in attendance. We likely won’t add the swimmer to relay events, but we will add the swimmer to individual events. Per SEISA Rules, we will send meet entries for away meets 24 hours in advance. If we inform us prior to this window closing, we will add the swimmer. If not, the swimmer will not be added.
The inverse is also true. If you signed up to swim, but cannot attend, please inform the coaching staff as soon as possible. No-shows not only hurt the individual, they also hurt the team! Think about your relay teammates before no-showing a meet.
What if we don’t like what we’re swimming
The lead or head coach has the final say on all entries for the entire team. Individual swimmers (not parents) should speak with coaches about swimming specific events prior to the entry or opt-in deadlines. Our goals are to help each swimmer have fun, make progress and gain a better understanding of what it’s like to race in every event, and stroke. We know not everyone will be a butterfly specialist at 9. But everyone should know what it’s like to race it!
That being said, for all meets we can make changes prior to the warm-up starting. Please arrive on time and speak with the coaching staff. The computer operators will only make changes at the request of the coaching staff, not a swimmer or parent. Here are a few guidelines to remember:
- Minor adjustments may be made to an individual’s lineup.
- Non-entered swimmers arriving on meet day will not be added to the meet.
- Note: This is a coaching decision designed to reward swimmers and parents who have followed the appropriate meet sign-up procedures.
- Relays will be adjusted (or scratched) as needed to ensure we always have at least ONE relay in each event.
- I.e., If Relay A had an individual no-show, we may take an individual from any remaining relays, or move/add swimmers to make it happen
- If we only have enough to make one relay, and someone no-shows we will look at younger swimmers to “age-up” to make a relay work. Swimmers will only age up into a category when absolutely necessary or if it benefits the athlete.
What information is being kept to make this work?
We are storing at least a single parent’s email address, parent/child names, groups, parent/athlete relationships and meet status within our system. All information will be purged at the end of the season.